Relationship Check
Does your partner:
• Humiliate you with verbal abuse and put downs?
• Control what you do?
• Stop you from talking to friends or family?
• Make you account for money you spend?
• Prevent you from getting a job?
• Abuse you in front of your children?
• Act like the abuse is no big deal, blame you or deny doing it?
• Destroy your property or threaten your pets?
• Intimidate you with guns, knives or other weapons?
• Shove, slap or hit you or your children?
• Insist you have sex when you don’t want to, or insist you do things you are not comfortable with?
• Unfairly accuse you of being unfaithful?
• Threaten to commit suicide or threaten to kill you if you leave?
If you ticked even one of the above, you could be in an abusive relationship.