Your Options
Some ideas that may help.....
Look at your situation and decide what may or may not be helpful. The length of time you have been experiencing the abuse and the level of violence being used against you may also influence what you chose to do. Many people use a combination of all sorts of things before finding something that works for them and is safe for them:
Think about who you could trust to talk with safely: Just talking it through with someone else can give you a bit of distance to see the situation more clearly.
Call a telephone service such as ODVSS to talk over your situation: You don't have to give your name or personal details.
Find ways to be less controlled and isolated: For example, seeing your friends and/or family, taking up a course, or getting a job.
Join a support group or find a counselor for yourself: This can help break down your sense of isolation and assist you to think through what is best for you and your children.
Call the Garda: The Garda Domestic Violence Policy directs the Garda to treat domestic violence seriously. They are trained to respond professionally and promptly to your call.
Apply for a Domestic Violence Order: This is an order of the court directing a person not to do certain things. You can get more information about these from ODVSS.
Actually leaving, planning to leave or telling the other person about your intention to leave can be a dangerous time.
If the ideas of leaving will mean increased threats, violence and watching over you, then consider it carefully.
Work out a safety plan.
ODVSS can help you to explore your options.